ts2vg: Time series to visibility graphs#

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Example plot of a visibility graph

The Python ts2vg package provides high-performance algorithm implementations to build visibility graphs from time series data, as first introduced by Lucas Lacasa et al. in 2008 [1].

The visibility graphs and some of their properties (e.g. degree distributions) are computed quickly and efficiently even for time series with millions of observations. An efficient divide-and-conquer algorithm is used to compute the graphs whenever possible [3].


The latest released ts2vg version is available at the Python Package Index (PyPI) and can be easily installed by running:

pip install ts2vg

For other advanced uses, to build ts2vg from source Cython is required.

Supported graph types#

Main graph types#

  • Natural Visibility Graphs (NVG) [1] (ts2vg.NaturalVG)

  • Horizontal Visibility Graphs (HVG) [2] (ts2vg.HorizontalVG)

Available variations#

Additionally, the following variations of the previous main graph types are available:

  • Weighted Visibility Graphs (via the weighted parameter)

  • Directed Visibility Graphs (via the directed parameter)

  • Parametric Visibility Graphs [5] (via the min_weight and max_weight parameters)

  • Limited Penetrable Visibility Graphs (LPVG) [4] [6] (via the penetrable_limit parameter)

Note that multiple graph variations can be combined and used at the same time.


Usage and reference documentation for ts2vg can be found at carlosbergillos.github.io/ts2vg.

Basic usage#

To build a visibility graph from a time series do:

from ts2vg import NaturalVG

ts = [1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.8]

vg = NaturalVG()

edges = vg.edges

The time series passed (ts) can be any one-dimensional iterable, such as a list or a numpy 1D array.

By default, the input observations are assumed to be equally spaced in time. Alternatively, a second 1D iterable (xs) can be provided for unevenly spaced time series.

Horizontal visibility graphs can be obtained in a very similar way:

from ts2vg import HorizontalVG

ts = [1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.8]

vg = HorizontalVG()

edges = vg.edges

If we are only interested in the degree distribution of the visibility graph we can pass only_degrees=True to the build method. This will be more efficient in time and memory than storing the whole graph.

vg = NaturalVG()
vg.build(ts, only_degrees=True)

ks, ps = vg.degree_distribution

Directed graphs can be obtained by using the directed parameter and weighted graphs can be obtained by using the weighted parameter:

vg1 = NaturalVG(directed="left_to_right")

vg2 = NaturalVG(weighted="distance")

vg3 = NaturalVG(directed="left_to_right", weighted="distance")

vg4 = HorizontalVG(directed="left_to_right", weighted="h_distance")

For more information and options see: Examples and API Reference.

Interoperability with other libraries#

The graphs obtained can be easily converted to graph objects from other common Python graph libraries such as igraph, NetworkX and SNAP for further analysis.

The following methods are provided:

  • as_igraph()

  • as_networkx()

  • as_snap()

For example:

vg = NaturalVG()

g = vg.as_networkx()

Command line interface#

ts2vg can also be used as a command line program directly from the console:

ts2vg ./timeseries.txt -o out.edg

For more help and a list of options run:

ts2vg --help


ts2vg can be found on GitHub. Pull requests and issue reports are welcome.


ts2vg is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
