
class ts2vg.HorizontalVG(*, directed=None, weighted=None, min_weight=None, max_weight=None, penetrable_limit=0)[source]

Horizontal Visibility Graph.

Used to transform a time series to a Horizontal Visibility Graph.

  • directed (str, None) – If None make an undirected graph, otherwise, a directed graph by using one of the following values: 'left_to_right', 'top_to_bottom'. See Directed graphs for more information. Default None.

  • weighted (str, None) – If None make an unweighted graph, otherwise, a weighted graph by using one of the following values: 'distance', 'sq_distance', 'v_distance', 'abs_v_distance', 'h_distance', 'abs_h_distance', 'slope', 'abs_slope', 'angle', 'abs_angle', 'num_penetrations'. See Weighted graphs for more information. Default None.

  • min_weight (float, None) – If provided, only edges with a weight higher than min_weight (non inclusive) will be included in the final graph. The graph must be weighted and the values used for weight will depend on the weighted parameter. This acts as a generalization of parametric visibility graphs. Default None.

  • max_weight (float, None) – If provided, only edges with a weight lower than max_weight (non inclusive) will be included in the final graph. The graph must be weighted and the values used for weight will depend on the weighted parameter. This acts as a generalization of parametric visibility graphs. Default None.

  • penetrable_limit (int) – If larger than 0, make a limited penetrable horizontal visibility graph (LPHVG). The value for penetrable_limit indicates the maximum number of data points that are allowed to obstruct the visibility between two nodes that can still be connected in the final graph. Default 0 (regular non-penetrable visibility graph).


  • Lucas Lacasa et al., “Horizontal visibility graphs: exact results for random time series”, 2009.

  • Xin Lan et al., “Fast transformation from time series to visibility graphs”, 2015.


from ts2vg import HorizontalVG

ts = [1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.8]

g = HorizontalVG()

edges = g.edges



Degree counts of the graph.


Degree distribution of the graph.


Degree sequence of the graph.




List of edges (links) of the graph.


List of edges of the graph without including the weights.


True if the graph is directed, False otherwise.


True if the graph is weighted, False otherwise.


Number of edges (links) in the graph.


Number of vertices (nodes) in the graph.


Weights of the edges of the graph.


adjacency_matrix([triangle, use_weights, …])

Adjacency matrix of the graph.


Return an igraph graph object corresponding to this graph.


Return a NetworkX graph object corresponding to this graph.


Return a SNAP graph object corresponding to this graph.

build(ts[, xs, only_degrees])

Compute and build the visibility graph for the given time series.


Dictionary with nodes as keys and positions (x, y) as values.

summary([prints, title])

Prints (or returns) a simple text summary describing the visibility graph.

Attribute details


Degree counts of the graph.

Two lists ks, cs are returned. cs[i] is the number of nodes in the graph that have degree ks[i].

The count of any other degree value not listed in ks is 0.


Degree distribution of the graph.

Two lists ks, ps are returned. ps[i] is the empirical probability that a node in the graph has degree ks[i].

The probability for any other degree value not listed in ks is 0.


Degree sequence of the graph.

Return a list of degree values for each node in the graph, in the same order as the input time series.


List of edges (links) of the graph.

If the graph is unweighted, a list of tuple pairs (source_node, target_node). If the graph is weighted, an iterable of tuple triplets (source_node, target_node, weight).

Nodes are identified using an integer from 0 to n-1 assigned sequentially in the same order as the input time series.


List of edges of the graph without including the weights.

A list of tuple pairs (source_node, target_node). For unweighted graphs this is the same as edges.

Nodes are identified using an integer from 0 to n-1 assigned sequentially in the same order as the input time series.


True if the graph is directed, False otherwise.


True if the graph is weighted, False otherwise.


Number of edges (links) in the graph.


Number of vertices (nodes) in the graph.


Weights of the edges of the graph.

Return a 1D array containing the weights of the edges of the graph (listed in the same order as in edges). None if the graph is unweighted.

Method details

adjacency_matrix(triangle='both', use_weights=False, no_weight_value=nan)[source]

Adjacency matrix of the graph.

  • triangle (str) –

    One of 'lower' (uses the lower triangle of the matrix), 'upper' (uses the upper triangle of the matrix) or 'both' (uses both). Only applicable for undirected graphs.

    Default 'both'.

  • use_weights (bool) –

    If True, return an adjacency matrix containing the edge weights, otherwise return a binary adjacency matrix. Only applicable for weighted graphs.

    Default False.

  • no_weight_value (float) –

    The default value used in the matrix for the cases where the nodes are not connected. Only applicable for weighted graphs and when using use_weights=True.

    Default np.nan.


2D array – Adjacency matrix of the graph.


Return an igraph graph object corresponding to this graph.

The igraph package is required.


Return a NetworkX graph object corresponding to this graph.

The networkx package is required.


Return a SNAP graph object corresponding to this graph.

The snap package is required.

build(ts, xs=None, only_degrees=False)[source]

Compute and build the visibility graph for the given time series.

  • ts (1D array like) – Input time series.

  • xs (1D array like, optional) –

    X coordinates for the time series. Length of xs must match length of ts.

    If not provided, [0, 1, 2...] will be used.

  • only_degrees (bool) – If True only compute the graph degrees, otherwise compute the whole graph. Default False.




Dictionary with nodes as keys and positions (x, y) as values.

summary(prints=True, title='Visibility Graph')[source]

Prints (or returns) a simple text summary describing the visibility graph.

  • prints (bool) – If True prints the summary, otherwise returns the summary as a string. Default True.

  • title (str) – Title for the table. Default is ‘Visibility Graph’.


str – A string containing the short summary (only if prints=False).